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FIC2022 успешно завершил 丨Занавес не опускается, с нетерпением жду встречи с вами снова!


FIC2022 officially came to an end, and Foodmate presented its new brand and star products at FIC, bringing a feast of innovative tongue for customers. Please follow the camera to review the wonderful moments of Foodmate at FIC2022!

Crowded Booth PART01

The Foodmate booth was crowded with people, attracting many big names in the food industry who were interested in Foodmate's new innovations while visiting the booth.

Innovative Products Zone PART02

Foodmate presented three innovative products together, which solved some pain points of customers in the meat and bakery field. It provides more innovative ideas for customers in meat products and bakery field.

Creative Drink Zone PART03

Foodmate with Ekosweet new zero-cal flavor syrup carefully prepared 12 special drinks such as Mojito Lemon Tea, Jasmine White Peach Lemon Tea, Camellia Latte, etc. The site zero distance to experience the sweetness of zero-cal sugar experience.

Meet the Future

In the future, Foodmate will continue to deepen its efforts in the food ingredients industry, further developing new products and iterating application solutions for our advantageous applications such as meat products, confectionery, beverages, bakery, dairy products, capsule wall materials, etc. While developing new products and application solutions to solve the industry's pain points, Foodmate will continue to expand its production capacity and upgrade key equipment, combining R&D and technology with manufacturing. technology and manufacturing in an organic way to further expand our product and technology presence worldwide.

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